Another beautiful day in Durango, Colorado! Communed for a while this morning with a rather rambunctious Golden Lab next door named Moakie. He is a year and a half old. He, his owner, Bob, and "brother" Max (a little ten-year boy) moved in yesterday while Bob and I were in Telluride (last syllable pronounced "ride," not"reed" as I was calling it. But most of my readers probably already knew that, huh?
Another doggie friend we met here is Allie. She is a Bearded Shepard--11 years old. I do not remember her very nice owner's name--can only remember dog names--ha ha! Here she (and the unnamed owner) are:

In proofing this tome, Bob just told me her name was Ruth--he obviously remembers pretty women's names.
Then I met Charlee--a little black poodle mix. Steve and Vickie across the way (they are from Phoenix--Steve is originally from Arkansas but, Ginger Blalock, he claimed to be a Bulldogs fan). Their three dogs were Roy and Betty--both bulldogs--and Bree--the most adorable shiz zhu (hope I spelled that correctly--will NOT spell it phonetically!). And, yesterday in TelluRIDE, I met Dane outside a real estate office.

Dane was a stone cold dude. Inside the office was an adorable terrier named Jack. OK, enough about all my dog friends--at least for today.
Let's talk cooking. Keeping it pretty simple. Just not enough prep space to do much more. I decided the other day to make my Southern Vegetable Soup. No fancy ingredients here. I had bought fresh okra at the Flagstaff Farmer's Market before we left. Just needed tomatoes (canned), salt pork, creamed and niblet corn, and frozen baby lima beans. Never a problem in the past finding those ingredients. Do you think I could find baby limas? NOPE! Had to buy a bag of frozen Fordhook lima beans--big enough to use to build a house! I remember those giant limas from eating lunch at Laura Jones Elementary School (not there anymore--torn down years ago--some floors were condemned while I was still attending. I think my Daddy went to school there in the twenties!). My Mamma never served us anything but the tiniest fresh butter beans. I had never seen the likes of those giant limas til I got to Laura Jones. Never ate them, either, despite the patrolling "clean your plate" teachers. Nope, I successfully hid them in the napkin in my lap and disposed of them discretely when emptying my plate. Hah! My Mamma didn't raise no fools!
Oz got busted the other day. Our rig (the Catfish--as opposed to Mr. Jaws the truck) had gotten filthy during the trip from Flag to here due to all the rain storms we came through (oops--my brain is ordering me to change that to: : "through which we came." Can't help myself.) Anyway he decided one morning that he would wash the rig. Good water supply with a hose right there. He managed to get two sides done before the nice man in the golf cart came by and told him to read the camp rules which include one regarding not washing your rig here in camp. Needless to say, Oz complied. But he was happy that he was able to wash the dirtiest two sides before he had to quit. Quite industrious is Oz, The Great and Powerful.
Speaking of which, we are in the process of learning to keep the screen door on the rig closed. One morning we awoke to find numerous flies residing inside with us. Before we were done, we had killed at least 20 flies!
I am getting lots of reading done. Finished a book called My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout. Interesting and different book. I liked it. Am currently reading The Girl With Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee. Cannot recommend the book too highly! It is excellent. Cannot put it down!
Also read the short story, Brokeback Mountain, by Annie Preloux (may not have spelled her last name correctly). I never saw the movie but enjoyed the short story.
Remember the train to Silverton I mentioned in the last blog? Trick question for those of you not reading all the blogs. ha ha Anyway, Oz took a great photo of it. Most of the photos I am posting were taken by Bob with his great Samsung phone camera. The camera on my iPhone (4s) is pathetic most of the time.

A couple more photos of and around the RV park:

Alright, my steadfast readers, I know you want MORE (smiley face here), but it is almost time for lunch and my fingers are tired. I actually type three times more than what you read here due to all the typos I constantly make and have to correct! Typing on this small MacBook keyboard is not easy. I was planning to fully describe our trip to Telluride yesterday. Will save it for another day. Except for this little tidbit that I must tell. Since Oz drove us there yesterday, I graciously offered to drive us home, despite the fact that I do not enjoy driving that humongo truck named Mr. Jaws. Little did I know that the drive home (different route than the one we took to get there) took us through some gnarly mountains that included precipitous dropoffs on the side of the road with no guard rails to save us! I was scared shiz zhu-less!!! Threatening to kill him when we got off that mountain. And, to top it all off, Oz chose that time to attempt to instruct me on how to shift into manual drive and downshift into low gear to avoid braking so much!!! To pay attention to his untimely instructions would have meant that I would have had to take my eyes off the road! Needless to say, at my sweet request, the "instructions" ended until we finally reached a spot where I could pull off and pay attention,.
Glamgirl signing off for now. Til next time!