Glamgirl reporting in. Can I just start by saying that, three weeks into the trip and I am SICK of all my clothes (and shoes)! Well, the summer ones anyway. I knew this would happen! And, no Dillard's or Macy's for miles!! My only choices for buying clothes here in Durango are expensive little boutique stores downtown or the Super Walmart out on highway 550! What's a glamgirl to do? Why order online of course! Whoo-hoo! I am going shopping right here in the RV tonight! Worked a couple of days ago when I realized I desperately needed a chef's knife. Good old Amazon had my favorite Shun knives for very decent prices. One is winging its way to me as I type!
Soooo, what have we been doing since my last report? I mentioned that we drove to Telluride. Cutest little town! Suspect it is really a lively place during ski season. Actually, tho, we were told that the summers are pretty busy because the town has some sort of festival every single weekend during the summer. Smart town! I read that they bring in some great music acts. Were it not for the harrowing drive back from there, I would consider going back one weekend. But I NEVER want to drive that route again!
Last Friday we decided to drive out to Lake Vallecito--a little ways out of town. Beautiful drive out there. Gorgeous homes up in the hills with very impressive views. Finally reached the lake--large lake. Some nice (probably weekend) homes all around the lake. But nothing much else to see there. We drove half-way around the lake, then turned around and came back to the RV.
Lake Vallecito--love how the clouds are reflected in the lake.
Now, Saturday we had a wonderful surprise! Around noon or so, my friend, John Bradley, from Ridgecrest called. This was not a total shock as his wife, Cyndy, had told me that John and some friends of his were going to be camping in Durango. I just didn't know exactly when. When he called, John said they were currently in Pagosa Springs--about 60 miles east of Durango. They were getting ready to drive to Durango and would be looking for a campsite when they got here. I suggested our campground (which, in addition to RV spaces, has nice tent spaces in a beautiful trees an grassy area). Turns out, they did stay here. I have met each of John's friends in the past. Two of them more than once--Tad Roberts and Jake Bowen--not to mention Tad's gorgeous wife, Laura. Jake has had more girlfriends than I can count--cute devil that he is! Anyway, the "Mancation" boys, including Al Carlile, touched base with us when they arrived in the early afternoon. What's that you ask? What does "mancation" mean? These guys have known each other for years. They try to go somewhere each summer together--usually involving fishing and camping. For this years excursion to Colorado, Jake, ever so thoughtfully, had t-shirts and hats made with the logo: Mancation 2016. The other guys were sooooo appreciative (ha ha), but they wore the shirts. That evening they all came over to our RV and John (the master cook) grilled chicken for us. I made an appetizer plate and made potato salad to go with the chicken. Plus, since my birthday was the next day, I bought (yes, I said bought--cake baking in the RV would be a nightmare!) and served a delicious carrot cake for dessert. A grand time was had by all! Lots of laughter! Oh, did I mention that they brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a "dancing dill pickle" birthday card! They left the very next morning so it was a quick visit. But, they gave us 3 freshly caught trout from the Animus River nearby which Bob and I made for dinner the next night. Man, were those fish good!!
And, a good time was had by all!
Sunday, my actual birthday, I had intended to just relax and enjoy the day doing whatever I pleased, be that reading or working on my coloring masterpieces--yes, I said COLORING! Don't knock it before you try it. Very relaxing activity. However, as the old saying goes, "The best laid plans sometimes go awry." Man oh man, did they ever!! It started when Oz decided he needed to go somewhere and discovered that his key ring was missing. He started looking for it. Soon I joined in the search (since I know that he, like almost every other man I have ever known, have no clue when it comes to looking for stuff--right ladies?). Before the search ended about 3 hours later (maybe 4), we had turned this RV upsidedown and inside out!! Bob even found stuff that he didn't know was missing!! I finally called my AAA people and requested a locksmith to come out and unlock the truck. Hoping the keys were in there. Soon realized, tho, that the keys being in the truck would be impossible since we had used the keys after exiting the truck to get into the RV. I am a tad embarrassed to admit that, throughout the great search, my greatest appreciation was the fact that I KNEW I was not the last one to touch those keys!!! I did not crow too loudly about that fact, tho, as Bob was quite distraught. Not long after the call to AAA and arranging for the locksmith (who we really did not need--couldn't drive the truck without the keys anyway), Bob remembered a place where he had not searched--his side of the closet in a basket where he files his important stuff. No chance they were there, tho. But in the interest of leaving no stone unturned, he looked there. Guess what he found? Yep, that darn key ring!! Needless to say, I quickly canceled the unneeded locksmith. We also immediately headed off to that Wal-Mart on Hwy 550 to have keys duplicated. Got new keys made for the truck ignition (that amazed me) and the tailgate. Also, the key that unlocks the various storage cabinets on the outside of the 5th wheel. But, Wal-Mart could not make a key for the RV. Yes, they will make one for your vehicle but not the 5th wheel RV. Go figure! Next day we went to a very nice locksmith (maybe the very one headed out here the day before) and got a key duplicated for the RV. All the new keys are now on a keyring in my possession!!!
Me and old smiley at the Verizon store. He is wearing his favorite psycho clown shirt!
Katelyn--Verizon employee of the year (IOHO--if you get this acronym, you get a prize).
So, where are we now? Oh yeah--Monday. Interesting day that involve trapped birds and a new phone. First, the least painful of the two events--the phone (see photos above). Bob's fabulous Samsung Note 3 cellphone started acting up on Sunday and refused to take a charge. Sooooo, on Monday he researched and found a phone repair place. Off we went--again out on Hwy 550. Found the place--nice proprietor. Long story short--made more sense to just buy a new phone (Bob's secret desire anyway). Now to find a Verizon store--not far away. Got there around noon-thirty--left after 5! I kid you not. And, we had a fabulous person (Katelyn) helping us. She was very patient and answered every question we could think to ask. In the process of purchasing the new Note 7 Samsung, other irresistible items were also purchased--like a dedicated wifi for the RV so that we won't have to depend on the notoriously slow RV park wifi, an indestructible Otter case for the phone, an upgraded plan. Oh, Katelyn was goooood. Silver tongued devil! But, Bob is happy and the new camera function is beyond fabulous! The most clear photos you have ever seen--some of which appear in this blog. But, what a giant hassle buying a new phone and having everything transferred from old to new can be!!!
Now the trapped bird story. Dare I tell it? This event revealed a very fundamental difference in mine and Bob's life philosophy about the treatment of animals. I suspect some of you will take his side and some mine. First some background. Camped next to us in a very small camp trailer is a Mom, Pop, and their 10-year old son named Max. Their story is that they live in Durango but have rented their house out and have plans to travel for the next 6 months (with Max) in Europe. I am having a major "deja vu" feeling here--if I discussed this family in my last blog, please ignore this part. Anyway, back to the story. So, Max, being an only child, seems lonely. But Sunday night his dad and he, using a milk crate and some twigs and bait (peanut butter), set up a trap.
Max wanted to catch a wild animal. Monday morning as we were leaving to replace the phone, I glanced over at the trap and saw that one of the beautiful magpies which hang around here, had gone for the bait and tripped the trap and was now frantically trying to find a way out. The family, having left their camp site earlier, could have been gone all day for all I knew. I won't go into the discussion between me and Bob that preceded me releasing that poor bird from his prison. But, it was not pretty. Bob thought that it was not fair of me to deprive Max from finding out that his trap worked. I, on the other hand, could only feel the panic of the bird and in no way could have left him in that trap for goodness only knows how long. We finally agreed to disagree, sort of. Enough said about that.
Now, Tuesday, 8/30. A lovely drive to Pagosa Springs, east of Durango. What spectacular (I might run out of adjectives to describe the beauty of Colorado before we are done) scenery we saw between here and there (see the photos). Had lunch at a place right on a river (failed to get the name of the river--restaurant was Borde Rio). I had a delicious carnitas plate. And, an excellent margarita. A very nice combination, I might add. On the way to Pagosa Springs, we went through the Ute Indian reservation (at least we saw the turn-off for it), saw tons of (what I think were) sunflowers along the roadside, passed the Billy Goat Saloon and Pizza place. Then a few more miles down the road, we passed a billy goat farm! Passed a sign for an equestrian place that read, "Astradle a Saddle." That tickled my funny bone for some reason. Drove through Bayfield--not much there--will not be a future destination! Saw Yellow Jacket Creek--eek--stay away from there! And, in the distance, saw Chimney Rock--a National monument.
Chimney Rock--way out there!
A beautiful scene on the way to Pagosa Springs.
A gate that must have led to a spectacuar house. Bob's new camera made this special effect.
The view from the Borde Rio restaurant where we had lunch in Pagosa Springs.
So, here we are--it is September 1st! We have some interesting plans for tonight. We are going to the Bar D Chuckwagon for the Supper and Famous Western Stage Show, starring the Bar D Wranglers. According to the brochure, the fiddle players name is Matt Palmer--maybe a long lost relative? I might have to go downtown to one of those little Southwestern Boutiques and get me a Western outfit. That only makes sense, right??? So long for now. Glamgirl signing out.
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