April 2020
Well, here we are--day 6,894 of social distancing. At least it feels that way. What do I miss most? Probably the ability to move about freely, without fear or guilt. Guilt, you say? Yes. Here is an example: This is the time of the year when I like to plant my herb garden. That project involves going to various stores where live plants are sold and picking out my favorite herbs, potting soil, and fertilizer. But are herbs an essential need? We have been encouraged strongly to only go to a store to purchase necessary items like groceries and wine. I did violate that suggestion, however, early in this new normal by going to Walmart to purchase bird seeds and, yes, two new bird feeders (one that promises to deter the devil squirrels). While there, I also picked up some ant killer. All, in my opinion, necessary. I am certain the birds would agree (tho I NEVER hear a word of thanks from them). The ants might not agree, but they did disappear shortly after I put out the killer juice. But, in the words of my friend, Dianna, I digress. So, back to the herbs. To avoid those nasty looks that I may or may not have gotten from other customers (and their pack of rugrats) who, I am sure, were there strictly for necessary items, I ordered all my herbs on-line. Well, almost all--there was not one live Italian (flat leaf) parsley plant to be found on-line. I ordered basil, sage, oregano, mint, thyme, and tarragon. Oops! Forgot potting soil. Do I dare make a Home Depot run for that necessary item?
Now, on to my next gripe/question: What makes a man think that it is perfectly ok to take a dinner knife out of the utensils drawer and use it as a tool to pry open a window screen he is trying to repair? A man, I might add, who has a wide array of appropriate tools in the garage. Said man has now been counseled regarding the inadvisability of such action occurring in the future.
How about this weather? Yesterday we had a high temperature of 90 degrees! Couple that with the hot flashes that I now have several times daily due to the anti-hormone pill I take because my breast cancer was hormone related--a recipe for pure misery. Today, however, the high temp is 67 degrees--much more tolerable. And, cooler yet tomorrow with a high of only 60 degrees. Lows down into the 30's. BUT WAIT!! I need warm weather to plant my herbs. I will be begging for the cool weather in another month or so. And, as long as I am on the subject, have I mentioned how much I dislike humidity!
Moving on to food. Are y'all cooking much? Some of you are because I see your food photos on FaceBook. I am only going to whisper this little fact: My passion for cooking these days in waning a tiny bit. Not completely, mind you. And, I think the problem is knowing that I have to do it every single day (well, sometimes I make a huge batch of soup; and we eat it every meal until it is gone). Pre-Corona, we would intersperse meals at restaurants into the weekly routine. We do try to order takeout food at least a couple of times a week now. We want to support those unfortunate food service workers and the restaurant owners. I have to wonder how many restaurants will go under, never to open again, by the time we are told that we are "free to move about the cabin" once again. Also, I worry ever so slightly about the safety of the food in those carryouts. I hate how paranoid this virus situation in making me!
Face masks--are you wearing one when you go out? I wore one for the first time when I went to the grocery store earlier this week. I was among the 50% of those wearing a mask. Many people did not, including the mom and dad and three rowdy kids (who were touching everything). Also, none of the store employees were wearing a mask. I found that to be a tad disturbing. I also found my mask to be extremely uncomfortable! Bob found two face masks in the garage the other day. He said he bought them several years ago to use during a painting project. They are really good ones--like the medical workers use. But let me say this--they are extremely uncomfortable--a metal strip over the nose, tight fit, hot, and sort of make me feel like I can't breathe. However, small price to pay considering the alternative.
Reading much? I have finished several books but that is not unusual for me--a dedicated reader always. My current book is by David Sedaris called When You Are Engulfed in Flames--a series of extremely funny essays. Favorite book so far this year: American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins. Melissa and I share books on our Kindles. Because she reads far more than I do, I will never run out of books to read.
Well, dear readers (making the assumption that anyone has read this blog), I will bring my written thoughts to a close for now. Until we meet again, stay safe and alive!!!
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